import*; import java.util.*; import*; import; import*; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.bouncycastle.cms.*; /* Verify INCLUDED CMS signature CMS/pkcs #7 signature using BC provider. Verify with either the included signer certificate, or a specified separate signer certificate file. Output signed content to binary file M. Gallant 04/01/2005 */ class BCVerifyISig { static final boolean DEBUG =true; public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(""); if (args.length != 2 && args.length !=3) usage(); Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); X509Certificate signercert = null; String INFILE = args[0]; // Input CMS/PKCS#7 included signed content to verify String OUTFILE = args[1]; //output file containing recovered signed-content if(args.length == 3) { try{ InputStream inStream = new FileInputStream(args[2]); CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); signercert = (X509Certificate)cf.generateCertificate(inStream); inStream.close(); if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Got certificate from file " + args[2]) ; } catch(Exception cerexc) { System.out.println("Failed to create certificate from file " + args[2]) ; System.exit(1) ; } } boolean INCLUDED = true; // included (true) or detached (false) content FileInputStream freader = null; File f = null; //------ Get the included data signature from file ------------- f = new File(INFILE) ; int sizecontent = ((int) f.length()); byte[] sigbytes = new byte[sizecontent]; try { freader = new FileInputStream(f); System.out.println("\nSignature Bytes: " +, 0, sizecontent)); freader.close(); } catch(IOException ioe) { System.out.println(ioe.toString()); return; } if(isBase64Encoded(sigbytes)){ try{ sun.misc.BASE64Decoder dec = new sun.misc.BASE64Decoder() ; sigbytes = dec.decodeBuffer(new String(sigbytes)); System.out.println("Signature file is BASE64 encoded") ; } catch(IOException ioe) {System.out.println("Problem decoding from b64") ; } } // --- Use Bouncy Castle provider to verify included-content CSM/PKCS#7 signature --- try{ CMSSignedData s = new CMSSignedData(sigbytes) ; CertStore certs = s.getCertificatesAndCRLs("Collection", "BC"); SignerInformationStore signers = s.getSignerInfos(); Collection c = signers.getSigners(); Iterator it = c.iterator(); int verified = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { X509Certificate cert =null; SignerInformation signer = (SignerInformation); Collection certCollection = certs.getCertificates(signer.getSID()); if (certCollection.isEmpty() && signercert==null) continue; else if (signercert !=null) // use a signer cert file for verification, if it was provided cert = signercert; else { // use the certificates included in the signature for verification Iterator certIt = certCollection.iterator(); cert = (X509Certificate); } if(DEBUG) System.out.println("Current certificate " + cert.toString()) ; System.out.println("") ; if (signer.verify(cert.getPublicKey(), "BC")) verified++; } if(verified == 0) System.out.println("WARNING: No signers' signatures could be verified !") ; else if(signercert !=null) System.out.println("Verified a signature using signer certificate file '" + args[2] + "'") ; else System.out.println("Verified a signature using a certificate in the signature file '" + INFILE + "'") ; CMSProcessableByteArray cpb = (CMSProcessableByteArray) s.getSignedContent() ; byte[] rawcontent = (byte[]) cpb.getContent() ; System.out.println("\nWriting content (" + rawcontent.length + " bytes) to file " + OUTFILE + " ... ") ; FileOutputStream fcontent = new FileOutputStream(OUTFILE); fcontent.write(rawcontent); fcontent.close(); } catch(Exception ex){ System.out.println("Couldn't verify included-content CMS signature\n" + ex.toString()) ; } } private static final boolean isBase64Encoded(byte[] data) { Arrays.sort(Base64Map); for (int i=0; i