Signed Applets   J/Direct
Sandboxed Applets
.NET, C#, Scripts etc..
Michel Gallant October 11, 2002  
Graphics by Tom Stovicek  

Technical Notes: Code-Signing, Certificates and Archives
07/03/2002 PKCS #7 detached-signature verification -- Verify CAPICOM detached signatures from Java
04/24/2002 Java2 Security Providers Lister -- List all security provider properties for j2se
04/12/2002 Multi-tech Certificate -- Using one cert for Authenticode, Netscape and Sun (demo)
07/26/2001 Import CA Certs -- Importing root CA certificates for Netscape, IE and Sun
07/11/2001 Java Web Start 1 -- RSA-signed Java application for Java Web Start
03/05/2002 Java Web Start 2 -- Using native libraries with Java Web Start
07/06/2001 Code-signing Certificate Compatibility -- Code-signing certificate deployment issues
01/29/2001 JAR Archives I -- JARs: Signtool vs Jarsigner
07/07/2001 JAR Archives II -- PKCS#12 Keystores: Netscape & Sun
07/08/2001 JAR Archives III -- Signed Executable JAR Applications
01/06/2002 Self-signed Certificates -- Using j2se v1.3+ self-signed certificates for Plugin deployment
03/29/2001 Expired Certificates -- Certificate and signature expiry issues
03/28/2001 Trusted Certificate Lists -- Trusted code-signing certificate lists
02/26/2002 JavaPlugin Usage Notes -- JavaPlugin Multi-version usage issues
07/17/2001 JavaPlugin1.4.0 RSA Applets -- Security Dialogues with JavaPlugin1.4.0b
07/11/2001 HtmlConverter & J2 SDK V1.4.0 Beta -- Using htmlconverter and Java 2 SDK V1.4.0 Beta
03/26/2002 Java2 Policy Files -- RSA-signed applets and user policy-files
03/28/2002 Java2 Policy File Readfile (no signature) -- Java2 enabled privileges without signing
03/28/2002 Java2 Policy File Readfile (RSA signed) -- Java2 enabled privileges with RSA signature
02/28/2002 Integrity checking of any applet -- Check integrity of any downloaded applet.
08/18/2000 Detecting User Denial of Privileges -- Detect if the user has denied the security-request privileges.
10/22/2001 Win32 cab file associations -- Recovering default .cab file associations .
11/07/2001 Dns2000 JNDI/DNS lookup -- Win2000 DNS lookup application like nslookup.exe
10/15/2001 RandomLogo: Java application -- Jexegen Windows Java application.

07/08/2001 Signed Java Applets     Root CA certificate
08/22/2002 GetDefines Windows Constants Lookup IE -- Find value of windows #define constants.
08/16/2002 FilVer32 Win32 File-version Info IE -- Easily find win32 system file version info.
08/01/2002 WadioPlayer lister/player IE -- Find and play all MP3, WMF, WAV, AU files
07/24/2002 WinWaver .wav file lister/player IE -- Easily find and play all .wav files
08/07/2002 JactiveXApp IE -- Executing ActiveX Control methods from Java
07/22/2002 Win32 error-code utility IE -- Decode win32 error-codes
07/10/2002 Hex-dump any file IE -- Hex-dump file like debug.exe
04/08/2002 Win32 Certificate-Manager Launcher NN, IE -- Win32 Certificate-Manager GUI
10/03/2001 Certificate Import Utility JPI 1.3+ -- Import Trusted Certificates (web or file) into your keystores
07/22/2001 x509v3 Cert Viewer JPI 1.3+ -- x509 Certificate Parser (file or URL)
05/12/2002 Keystore, Policy & Security File Reader JPI 1.3+ -- View keystore, policy and system security files.
11/23/2000 URL analyzer NN, IE -- Inspect URL content and http headers
10/04/2000 Show Win32 Network Shares NN, IE -- Starts applications to display your network shared folders
04/19/2002 SHA-1/MD5 Message Digest IE -- Computes hash values of textarea or files
02/20/2002 Guitar Chords via MIDI JPI 1.4+ -- Generates guitar tuner notes/chords via MIDI
07/11/2001 SHA-1/MD5 Message Digest JPI 1.4+ -- Computes hash values of textarea or files
07/11/2001 SHA-1/MD5 Message Digest JPI 1.3+ -- Computes hash values of textarea or files
02/09/2001 Basic HTTP Client JPI 1.3+ -- HTTP client for JavaPlugin1.3
01/02/2001 ClassPathTokenizer I JPI 1.2.2+ -- Signtool signed: ClassPath Display
01/27/2001 ClassPathTokenizer II JPI 1.2.2+ -- Jarsigner signed: ClassPath Display
07/12/2001 Java System Properties JPI 1.3+ -- Java System Properties Listing
01/06/2002 Java System Properties (test-cert) JPI 1.3+ -- Java System Properties Listing (self-signed certificate)
01/08/2001 Java Properties -- System Properties for browser, JDK, and servlet environments
05/09/2002 Start Native Application NN, IE -- Start notepad.exe from IE or Netscape
06/07/2002 Run WSH Script from Applet NN, IE -- Communicate with WSH script run via Applet
07/10/2000 Basic HTTP Client NN, IE -- HTTP client
04/23/2002 Detect Files (LiveConnect) NN, IE -- Check Existence of local files
03/01/2002 Win32 Environment Variables NN, IE -- Display win32 environment variables
11/13/1998 ImaginAp NN -- Drag&Drop multi-image viewer
05/25/2000 Outlook2000 SR-1 Security Customizer IE -- Customize IE4+ Security Zones [Edits Registry!]
01/03/2001 Get CLSID ProgID IE -- List registry CLSID guids with ProgID values
07/05/2000 RunKeyValues IE -- Displays RunOnce Keys in Win32 Registry
02/23/2000 HIGH Template Customizer -- IE4+ Signed Applet: HIGH security customizer [Edits Registry!]
03/01/2002 J/Direct Environment Variables IE -- Win32 environment variables
03/15/2000 J/Direct Native Message Box IE -- Displays MS JVM Version
11/12/2001 J/Direct RAM Memory Status IE -- RAM Usage Monitor
08/25/2000 J/Direct URLMoniker Demos IE -- Win32 FindMimeFromData application
01/20/2000 J/Direct Native Color Dialog IE -- Color Dialog Interface
09/07/2000 J/Direct Library Declarations -- Declaring Standard C Runtime Library and Win32 Libraries
11/07/2001 J/Direct SYSTEM_INFO Props IE -- Win32 GetSystemInfo() information
05/01/2002 J/Direct EnumWindows Callback IE -- Win32 EnumWindows() callback top-level windows enumeration
11/14/2001 J/Direct Enumerate Graphic Modes IE -- Win32 EnumDisplaySettings() to list display-device graphic modes
01/13/2002 J/Direct Get Environment Variables IE -- Win32 J/Direct with custom DLL

Standard Sandboxed Java Applets
06/18/2002 DetectJVM -- Which JVM will applet tag use?
08/15/2000 Benchmarks -- Floating Point and File-to-String Benchmarks
02/13/2000 BigFactorial -- Calculates factorial for large numbers
09/24/2001 Browser Pagelet -- Control browser display with Pagelet
01/11/1999 Pythagorean Theorem -- Two proofs from antiquity
12/21/2001 Mersenne Primes -- Lucas-Lehmer test for primality
01/03/2001 Thin-film Reflectance -- Multilayer thin-film reflectance
10/03/1996 Simple Pendulum -- Finest Simple Harmonic Motion
08/01/1998 Win95 Java Launchers -- Win95 shortcuts start Java fast!
06/22/1996 Jazz Player -- Watch him blow some colorful notes.
01/12/1998 Java GUI gif89a front-end -- Java interface for transparent color selection.
09/02/1998 JDK1.1.5 Demo Launcher -- Easily launch JDK1.1.5 demos from this GUI.
02/14/1997 RIFF File-Surfer -- View "chunk" structure of RIFF files.
10/17/1997 Java Pi -- Compute Pi to arbitrary precision with JDK1.1 classes.
10/14/1997 Big Math in Java -- Arbitrary precision math with JDK1.1 classes.
10/20/1997 Scrolling Banner -- Scroll messages with control.
06/12/1997 Twister Animation -- Advanced animation description.
04/04/1997 Advanced Function Plotter -- NN3+ LiveConnect function plotter. Zoom, resize etc.
04/06/1997 Bgcolor -- Web authors background color utility.
03/14/1997 Java ruler -- Draw a custom ruler and measure!
04/28/1997 JavaScript-Java Imager -- NN3 LiveConnect multi-slide Java image positioner.
02/26/1997 PhoneAxe -- Passive-filter design in Java for guitar to phono-input adapter.
01/20/1997 Image overlay utility -- Utility for laying out image components over backgrounds.
11/29/1996 Christmas Tree -- Seasons Greetings .... multi-threaded tree bulbs!
04/14/1996 The String Plucker -- Real-time vibrating string. Fourier analysis spectrum.
08/05/1996 The Candle -- Flickering candle demonstrates Gif89 multi-image overlay.

05/14/2002 .NET Framework -- C#, JScript.NET etc..
10/04/2002 CAPICOM, Windows Script -- CAPICOM, wmi, wsf, vbs, js and Java monikers
03/10/2002 Guitar Tuners -- Guitar Tuners, native and Java
02/14/2001 WebPager Application -- Remote Browser Control and P2P Conferencing
