M. Gallant 2/14/97
****** FILE: /MitchMac HD/Desktop Folder/RIFFread/Eigbst.wav LENGTH: 42714 bytes ****** RIFF ----- data size: 42706 bytes ----- form type: WAVE fmt ----- data size: 18 bytes wFormatTag: MS PCM format nChannels: 2 nSamplesPerSec: 11025 nAvgBytesPerSec: 22050 nBlockAlign: 2 nBitsPerSample: 8 fact ----- data size: 4 bytes data ----- data size: 42656 bytes Final RIFF data bytecount: 42706 File chunk structure consistent with valid RIFF -------------------------------------------------------
The second example shows the chunks found in a wave file recorded with the Win3.1 freeware WHAM1.3 sound application running under Win95. Note the large LIST chunk which can contain extensive useful information (Author, Copyright, Source etc..). Files recorded with this application show up with the "LIST" information in the Win95 control panel for the wave file. The LIST chunk in fact is composed of many subchunks not extracted by this Java application (for simplicity).
****** FILE: /MitchMac HD/Desktop Folder/RIFFread/testall.wav LENGTH: 98658 bytes ****** RIFF ----- data size: 98650 bytes ----- form type: WAVE LIST ----- data size: 302 bytes fmt ----- data size: 16 bytes wFormatTag: MS PCM format nChannels: 1 nSamplesPerSec: 22050 nAvgBytesPerSec: 22050 nBlockAlign: 1 nBitsPerSample: 8 data ----- data size: 98304 bytes Final RIFF data bytecount: 98650 File chunk structure consistent with valid RIFF -------------------------------------------------------Back to Wave Sound File Information